Feature Friday - Alyssa

How long have you been sewing?

I could hand sew ever since I was young, but I didn't really do any big projects.  But about 8 years ago I really dove into sewing on a much grander scale.  I really developed a lot of my skills making quilts and working with woven's.  I started sewing with knits about 5 years ago.   

What inspired you to start sewing?

I have a couple Aunt's who always sew, my mom and sister were really into quilting, and I had a teacher who really invested into me and my sewing journey.  I was pregnant with one of my daughter's and decided now would be the best time to really dive into sewing.  I started trying to make maternity clothes and then decided to make all her bedding.  I'm still deciding if it was the best idea, or the worst idea.  But that is really what pushed me into sewing a lot. It ended up opening up a lot of doors for me.  I was working at a high school as a para, and ended up teaching the sewing class for 2 years.  I really loved teaching high schoolers, they inspired me all the time.

Biggest mistake you've ever made on a project?

What's hilarious is the best one I can think of, I had been sewing for years!  So I really should have known better.  I was making a Tami zip up hoodie in some of our striped blush Lilly.  And one thing you have to know about me is I am a stickler for stripe matching, especially on raglans.  I very carefully cut out the left sleeve to match up with the front, so then I went to cut out the right sleeve.  It wasn't till I started sewing that I realized I had cut out two left sleeves.  So I went back and carefully cut out another right sleeve (and if you have used striped fabric you know that you kind of waste some fabric while stripe matching).  Went back to sew it on...it's another left sleeve.  So I had to cut out ANOTHER sleeve.  I had to cut that sleeve out 3 times before It was correct.  I was so flustered and aggravated with myself, I completely forgot to sew on my kangaroo pocket.  Which also I had very carefully cut out to perfectly math not only the stripes but the roses.  By the end of that jacket I felt like I had climbed Everest.  


Current trend you love and want to recreate?

I am really in love with crop tops, which isn't a new trend by any means, but it's a current trend I love.  I grew up being very uncomfortable with myself and my body.  After getting older and growing in my mental health I have discovered how strong and important my body is.  So wearing crop tops has become my favorite thing to recreate. 

Favorite print from So Sew English?

I have special connections to the Alyssa and Rosalie, but hands down has to be Blush Lilly.  It was the first print that I purchased from SSE, back when SSE was on Etsy.  I have had almost every color we've ever carried.  I'm just a sucker for it.  My favorite color ways were probably a tie between the purple/grey or the black/red. 

Something that still challenges you?

Swim.  I respect everyone who sews swim.  It's one area of my sewing tool belt that I think needs a lot of help haha.  I've tried so hard, but just can't seem to get the knack for it.  I would love for all the help I could get haha.

Any tips/ticks you picked up?

Wonder tape, and specifically wonder tape and stripe matching.  I already loved stripe matching, but when I finally realized how useful wonder tape was with stripe matching my mind was blown haha.  Whoever came up with wonder tape is my hero.

If you had to choose a favorite tool, what would it be?

My favorite tool is actually a lot more on the sentimental side than practical, but it's a pair of gold stork snips that were my grandmas.  My grandmother did not sew, but it was so common place for every home to have a sewing kit so she had one.  I still have those little snips and use them, it's started my collecting little snips and hanging them on my wall.  

Favorite fabric base to use, and a fabric base you would like to try more.

Double brushed poly is so versatile, but my favorite fabric would be modal.  I absolutely love modal, it always makes me feel a little more elegant.  Even if it's just a shirt, I feel a little more put together.  One fabric base I really want to work with more is woven's.  I learned how to sew on woven's but haven't really used them in years, knits kind of took over my life.  

AlyssaFeatureFeature friday

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