Feature Friday - Nicole

Today we are featuring one of our talented and newest admins, Nicole Kistler! 

How long have you been sewing?

About 7 years.

What inspired you to start sewing?

I wanted to match my daughter and couldn't find what i was looking for.

What was your biggest sewing mistake?

I've made so many,  getting the skirt fabric of a dress caught in my serger,  making a huge hole, putting a hood on backwards, sewing a sleeve upside down,  putting a neckband on the wrong way, forgetting to cut the fabric mirrored... can't learn without mistakes 

Current favorite pattern?

The pony tank is probably one of my favorite and most used pattern.

Current trend you love in fashion and want to copy?

All the tie dye!

Favorite print from So Sew English?

The spiral tie dyes and I absolutely love the large poppy fabrics

Something that still challenges you.


A tip/trick you picked up/came up with.

Use 1/4 inch elastic to gather the waist of a dress before attaching the bodice.

If you had to choose a favorite tool, what would it be?

Janome 1000cpx  coverstitch

Favorite fabric base and a fabric base you'd like to try more.

Favorite is definitely double brushed poly. Ity, I am growing to like and would like to use more this summer.

Feature fridayNicole

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