If you've been on Pinterest, the internet, sewing groups, your mom's house, or even outside, you've probably heard of a little thing called a capsule wardrobe. They have become increasingly popular again in the last few years. If you're still unsure of why you would want to do a capsule wardrobe, here's some ideas to think about it:
Have a wardrobe of favorites - Have you ever been scouring through your closet when you pull out shirt after shirt of something you just feel kind of 'meh' about? You never get rid of it, but you don't really wear it either? Well a capsule wardrobe is the perfect time to purge all those indifferent items to new loving homes and really have a wardrobe that you consistently wear and love.
Less Time - So let's go back to our original scenario, same morning, while you were riffling
through your closet, were you also running late? Maybe not when you started, but
you definitely are now after the 10 minute long 'will I, won't I' debacle. A capsule wardrobe can make figuring out what to wear a breeze and save you time. And I think most of us can agree that we all need a little more time in the day (for more sewing!)
Less Stress - Does it stress you to some days figuring out what to wear? Some days after standing in front of my closet for what feels like a completely unreasonable amount of time, I decide maybe it's a pajama day after all. Having a capsule wardrobe can release some of that stress of getting ready in the morning. I've got some options, but not an overwhelming load of 'maybe' to sift through.
Did I win you over on this yet? You can do one for each season and switch them out when the weather changes! For those of you who I did indeed win over with my wit and charm (ok, it was for other reasons) you may be wondering where to even begin. Well, you're in luck! Some of our lovely admins in our Facebook group are doing just that, a Spring Capsule! You'll be able to see and admire and ask all the questions you want about a capsule. Get inspired by others and maybe even pick up some ideas along the way.
When starting a spring capsule there will be some things you will want to consider way before sewing begins. Things like what is your personal style and color palette
are the biggest steps in my opinion. What colors do you love? What color pallet compliments you? One of my favorite things to do is look at color wheel's with complimenting colors, often I'll get an idea for a pairing I wouldn't have thought of before.
Also when gathering your ideas, don't forget what kind of lifestyle you have. If you're like me, you may go in with lofty ideas and intentions of wearing floor length dresses all the time, but in the reality of my life that doesn't happen all of the time, let alone enough time to make it a focal point in my wardrobe. Not a leggings person? No problem, focus your capsule on a pair of pants with structure. Think about patterns you wear over and over again. It'll be a good jumping off point when figuring out which pieces you want in your capsule.
Once you have an idea of what you're wanting you get to go fabric shopping! Yay! This can be overwhelming if you didn't already have a game plan on what colors you are going for. But with a specific idea in mind, it will make this process even more enjoyable and stress free. It also will help you narrow down your basket items to one's you really need for this specific occasion, which saves you money.

*some pictures taken from Pinterest*