So Sew English Blog

This is Halloween, This is Halloween
The leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, and spooky season is upon us. Or for some of us, it's time to finally be relevant. This is ...

Any Way You Want It
There is a very freeing attitude when it comes to being able to make your own clothing. That unexpected event that pops up? You got it handled. ...

Drape, In the Eye of the Beholder
If you've dived into the world of fabric you've probably heard of the term 'drape'. You may think that weight and drape are interchangeable. ...
We Did It Our Way
Have you ever wanted to see all the different ways a fabric is used? Wonder what everyone has done with a certain print? Or just want to see how ...

Let's Talk About Knits
Shopping online can be fun. I don't have to put shoes on? (or pants for that matter) In just a few clicks, my goodies can be on their way to me....