Smells like Sewing Spirit

We've all done it.  We have all had that feeling.  That 'blah' feeling.  We've lost it, we've lost our 'sew-jo".  We've all experienced it.  Nothing feels inspiring, nothing is calling to you.  You just kind of feel...stuck.  We're going to be going over some ways to help spring back that sewing spirit!

Go "Shopping"

This is something I find myself doing a lot.  I will be walking though the store and decide to side step into the clothing section.  Sometimes I end up seeing things I like and get inspiration from, so I'll snap a quick picture of it to look at later and then find a pattern to help me out of that rut.  Pinterest is another great tool 'shop' with.  I'll start scrolling to see if I can see if anything jumps out at me.  We have a Pinterest with lots of boards to help propel on that imagination.  

Check Out Fabrics

Sometimes the fabric itself speaks to me and helps me out of my lull.  I'll search in my own stash and see if any of those 'maybe' projects can push my sewing spirit back into action.  Or take a look at the fabrics on our site, looking through the pages at new fabrics sometimes helps me think of new projects I want to try or something I've been dreaming of for a while and now finally can get the energy to make it!  

Make Something for Someone Else 

Picture it, you're looking at your stash thinking of what you can use to make so-and-so that thing you've been meaning to sew for them.  But every single fabric is met with "oh well I wanted to use that for this."  And "I can't use that, I've had this for a year and have been thinking of using it for this project!".  I've never gotten out a sewing rut faster than when I forced myself to sew for someone else.  Yes, a lot of times it's cause my green eye monster comes barging in saying I can't share any of it and now I have all these projects that I just have to use this fabric for.  But in all seriousness, sewing and doing things for others helps me get out of my funk so quickly.  I get excited to start dreaming up what they will like and their appreciation when they open it.  It may start as a "I have to get this done" and quickly moves into the joy and excitement I love about sewing.  

Cause that really is a big reason of why we all sew.  The satisfaction of a completed project.  The awe in seeing someone's face when you tell them you made it.  The joy in finally having a garment that fits you just right.  Remembering why we started sewing, can help us remember why we keep sewing.

GiftingPinterestSew-joSewing lullSewing spirit

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